WEST SENECA, NY (WKBW) — West Seneca School teachers rallied together early Wednesday calling on the district to tell them the truth about rumors they continue to hear about potential layoffs.
Teachers and the union held a peaceful demonstration before the start of school district-wide. They say there is a big worry the district could be forced to cut some jobs.

7 News Senior Reporter Eileen Buckley was there as teachers held their walk-in to show solidarity and demand answers from the school district.
I caught up with one of the peaceful demonstrations outside West Seneca West High School, led by the West Seneca West Teachers Union.
“We want them to know that they are not in this alone. That we have their back. They have our full support, and we are exhausting every option,” replied Chris Galley, vice president, West Seneca Teachers Association.
They want the district to be transparent about any proposed cuts.

“We’ve been told, and it's a quote, that the layoffs won't be five, but they won't be 50. That's six to 49 — is an incredibly broad number. We're talking about people, we're talking about families, we're talking about livelihoods here. We're also talking about students in this community,” described Galley.
The union says they are being completely blocked out of any proposed budget conversations that could include layoffs and they deserve to be heard.
“We have not been afforded an opportunity to be at that table to help the district try to find ways to avoid these types of cuts,” Galley explained.

“These folks battle for kids every day”, remarked John Brinker, union member.
The district responded to my request for comment, referring me to their latest budget proposal presented at their March 5th school board session which shows a more than $5 million shortfall.
The final budget will be presented at an April 9th school board meeting, then it is expected to be adopted by the school board on April 16th with a budget hearing scheduled for May 7th. Residents would vote on the annual school budget on May 21st.
Like other local school districts, West Seneca leaders say they are losing American Rescue funds, and the state is proposing funding cuts.
WATCH RELATED: 'Save our teachers': Students in Hamburg Central School District walk out of school to protest teacher layoffs
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But three teachers I spoke with, Carla Kruszynski, Tammy Rice, and Mike Vastola, are not only worried about their jobs but the children they teach.

“It’s our kids. They're the absolute reason we are here,” replied Kruszynski.
“When they're not at home. They're with us and we take care of them,” Rice responded.
“That our students get the services they need,” Vastola declared.
Union members held similar demonstrations at all their schools across the district Wednesday morning.