BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — I have to say April somewhat surprised me to be in the top 10 warmest on record. So much so I had to check it multiple times. Then I made a TikTok (watch above) about what I found out!
Being here you get to see all the data up close and even visit the sites to peek around for yourself! Sometimes I get lost in the numbers, I like numbers, I like math, I love that you always get an answer with math! So, here we are getting answers about the month of April with numbers.
One of the first pages I check is the data for the month, it covers everything from the highs and lows to rain and snow, how much sunshine and even wind gusts. To check it out click here.

In the above image, we find out the average temperature for the month is 50 degrees and it also tells us that it's 4.4 degrees above average. It also shows there was 1.21" of a surplus of rain and a 2" deficit of snow. Matter of fact, there were only two days where snow fell and it was the beginning of the month, April 4th and 5th.
April 2024 goes into the record books tied at 8th (last was 1987) warmest on record at 4.4 degrees above normal. While many days didn't stick out as considerably warm, the month was consistently a bit above normal.>>>https://t.co/lK8BFxF2G6 @WKBW pic.twitter.com/eGM9T4xvZ5
— Autumn Lewandowski (@AutumnsWeather) May 1, 2024
When looking at how this year compared to the record books I viewed this page from the NWS Buffalo . Here it's clear to see 2024 is tied for the 8th warmest on record! On the 3rd column under "Wettest", this year wasn't far off from being in the top 10. The National Weather Service Site in Buffalo recorded 4.58" of rain, which was a lot but remains outside of the top 10.

The last image below has less columns but helped me to see what really went on for the month. The departure category says it all, there were only a handful of days, particularly the 8th-11th that were WELL above average. Then, the last two weeks of the month, more days than not were below normal or much closer to normal, which I think made it feel like a surprise that April 2024 was one of the warmest on record!