

Uber advisor continues ride-sharing push in WNY

Posted at 6:48 AM, Dec 02, 2015
and last updated 2015-12-02 06:48:07-05

The push to expand ride-sharing to Western New York continues. Uber's Chief Advisor David Plouffe met with local leaders on Tuesday to discuss how the company could help strengthen the local economy.

Plouffe says Uber would not only add another transportation option but also highlighted the potential job creation and the 400,000 drivers who currently work on their own schedule across the country. Outside of New York City ride-sharing has not been approved in New York State but Uber believe progress is being made and are eager to enter the Buffalo market.

"Upstate New York is the largest part of the America without ride-sharing," said Plouffe. "We hope that changes are in the near future and are eager and hopeful that the legislature in Albany and governor will find a way forward so we can bring the benefits of ride sharing to Buffalo and be a part of the remarkable economic story that is happening here."

Ride-sharing is gaining support throughout the state and Uber has found a strong advocate in Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown. "One of the things I want to make sure is that we provide this option and not hurt the traditional taxi cab industry. And I believe that we can do that," said Brown. "I am more convinced than ever."

Company leaders have said they're aiming to expand ride-sharing to our area by 2016 but a final deal is still being worked on by the state.




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