

After 150 years, the Super Blue Blood Moon is back!

and last updated

Super Blue Blood Moon, neat name right! 

Super comes from how close the moon will be to the earth during the full moon.  Blue is because it's the second full moon of the month. Blood comes from the color the moon will turn as it crosses the earth's shadow as the lunar eclipse happens! All three of these phenomenon haven't happened since March 31st 1866.

Will we be able to see it here?

Good bet we see the Super full moon this evening with areas of clear skies. 

The Super Blue Blood Moon begins early Wednesday morning. Here in WNY we'll have a partial eclipse before the moon sets across WNY at 7:30am.

If we have enough clearing in WNY during the time of the lunar eclipse we will see a partial eclipse before sunrise.  Click here to see when and what you may see!

If you can't view it in person you can click this link to see NASA's live feed.  This link will have live video as well.

Photo courtesy: Sky and Telescope