

How Gov. Hochul's 2022 State of the State impacts Western New York

Kathy Hochul

NEW YORK (WKBW) — New York Governor Kathy Hochul outlined her agenda for 2022 in the State of the State Wednesday.

The 2022 State of the State included nine sections and below you can find a brief outline below:

  • Rebuild our healthcare economy to provide care for more New Yorkers

In an effort to rebuild New York's health care economy the governor proposes to build the existing workforce by 20% over the next five years, retain the existing workforce and make health care more accessible and affordable for all New Yorkers.

  • Protect public safety and take strong action against gun violence

In an effort to protect public safety and take strong action against gun violence the governor proposes to strengthen proven law enforcement strategies and proven community-based programs.

  • Invest in New York’s people

In an effort to invest in New York's people the governor proposes tax relief for small businesses and the middle class, launch a "Jails to Jobs" program to improve re-entry into the workforce and reduce recidivism, support the agriculture workforce and improve the food supply chain.

  • Invest in New York’s communities

In an effort to invest in New York’s communities the governor proposes to reconnect neighborhoods, particularly in communities of color, across the state. This includes reconnecting and restoring neighborhoods across the Kensington Expressway in Buffalo. The governor also proposes investing in commercial corridors and waterfronts. Including improving Buffalo's "East Side" commercial and residential infrastructure, redeveloping the Outer Harbor along the Buffalo Waterfront, strengthening connections to the Niagara Falls Waterfront and reimagining the state's canal system. Also included is $1 billion in new investments to bring affordable broadband to all New Yorkers and transform the state's digital infrastructure.

  • Make New York’s housing system more affordable, equitable, and stable

In an effort to make New York’s housing system more affordable, equitable and stable the governor proposes launching a new comprehensive five-year housing plan and promoting housing affordability by expanding the housing supply and action to meet the homelessness crisis.

  • Make New York a national leader in climate action and green jobs

In an effort to make New York a national leader in climate action and green jobs the governor proposes to accelerate the renewable energy economy, decarbonize New York's buildings, accelerate New York's adoption of electric zero-emissions vehicles and protect the state's environment and improve community spaces.

  • Rebuild New York’s school system and reimagine higher education

In an effort to rebuild New York’s school system and reimagine higher education the governor proposes increasing support for educators and children. This includes providing incentives to attract more teachers and school workers, accelerating the teacher certification process and increase access to childcare for 100,000 families and investing $75 million in wages for childcare workers. Also included is rebuilding the academic and school mental health supports that were worsened by the pandemic and transforming SUNY into a nation-leading public higher education system.

  • Advance New York’s place as a national equity model

In an effort to advance New York’s place as a national equity model the governor proposes to ensure gender equity and equal rights, promote anti-hate, racial equity and justice for all New Yorkers and continue to support minority- and women-owned businesses. Also included is to protect the state's LGBTQIA+ community, strengthen immigrant services and boost local veterans' programs.

  • Make critical reforms to restore New Yorkers’ faith in their government

In an effort to make critical reforms to restore New Yorkers’ faith in their government the governor proposed term limits and a ban on outside income for elected officials. Also included is replacing JCOPE with an effective watchdog, enacting state-level voting rights act, lowering the voter registration deadline to 10 days before an election and requiring polling locations on college campuses.

You can view the whole 2022 State of the State here and you can watch it below.