

Sharing her love of archery and storytelling

She started this Summer class over 25 years ago

She is an author and a storyteller and the contents of Lorna Czarnota's van tell quite a story. It is filled with bows, arrows and targets, all of the tools of her "other job" as an archery instructor for the West Seneca Rec. Department.

Lorna says she got hooked on archery when she was only in the sixth grade. She started these Summer sessions for West Seneca over twenty-five years ago. Her students range from nine to sixteen and they learn safety first. She combines her storytelling skill with the archery instruction to make it fun for the students. 

A shoulder injury prevents the talented teacher from demonstrating her skills, but not from passing on her passion for what she calls "the art of archery".

You can find more information about Lorna Czarnota at herwebsite: