
Sebastian Bradley young boy who fought brain cancer passes away


7 Eyewitness News has learned Sebastian Bradley, the Williamsville boy who fought brain cancer, has passed away. 

A Facebook post from the Forest Elementary School PTA, where he attended, announced his passing:

"With heavy hearts full of love for our sweet Sebastian, we wanted to pass along to our Forest family that this evening Heaven gained an angel. Sebastian Bradley passed away surrounded by his loving family. We have all had the honor of having such an amazing little boy in our school, homes, and now forever in our hearts. We will share details of arrangements as we receive them. For now, our thoughts, love, and support is, and will remain with the Bradley Family."

Bradley was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2016 and battled through many surgeries.

While he was undergoing chemotherapy something that brought him comfort was playing with Legos.

His love for Lego's led to the creation of "Sebastian's Lego Club," an organization that donates Legos to children at Oishei Children's Hospital.

A post on "Sebastian's Lego Club" Facebook page also announced his passing, but assured his legacy would live on through his love of Legos.


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