

Meeting a master maker of mead in Medina

A beverage made from honey with ancient roots

Bryan DeGraw stays busy as a bee with his business. He is a maker of mead. That's a fermented beverage made from honey. A few years back, Bryan went from making mead as a hobby to doing it full-time. The result is 810 Meadworks in Medina.

Bryan creates his own recipes and comes up with clever names for them like "Cheeky Keen", "Old Lunch Bucket" and his big seller "Bee Vomit." Mead can be sort of like wine or sort of like beer but it is really neither. Bryan says the recipe is actually very simple "we take honey and water and mix it together and throw some yeast in there and let it ferment for a few months."

Bryan's meads have won several awards including a bronze and silver "Mazur" at the World's Largest Mead Competition. There are mead tastings regularly at 810 Meadworks and you can buy the product on line at their website.