BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — The Jamestown Public School District is alerting parents to two cases of whooping cough that have been identified at Jamestown High School.
The Chautauqua County Health and Human Services Department notified the district Wednesday.
Parents are asked to pay close attention to their child's respiratory symptoms. Symptoms of pertussis can seem like a cold but then develop into severe coughing fits. Anyone with a severe cough is asked to stay home from work or school and be evaluated by a doctor.
Authorities say they have also seen a rise in the number of flu cases in the Jamestown School District.
“There has been an uptick in flu cases not only in the district but across New York State,” said Jill Muntz, JPS District Nurse Practitioner. “We are finding that there is a type of influenza that is not included in the vaccination. Please understand that it is still important to still get the flu vaccine because we find it shortens the duration of the flu and protects at-risk populations, however, there are cases where you may still get it. It is very important that people who have flu symptoms go to their health care provider as soon as possible for potential treatment as antiviral drugs can shorten the illness and make the symptoms milder.”
If any Jamestown parent has a question about whooping cough or flu prevention, they are asked to contact their health care provider or the district's nurse practitioner, Jill Muntz, at 483-4408 or jill.a.muntz@jpsny.org
The Jamestown at Frontier basketball game scheduled for Wednesday night had to be rescheduled for Monday, February 3. The game was going to be played in honor of a young Hamburg boy who recentlydied due to complications from the flu.