BUFFALO, NY (WKBW) — A coalition made up of Buffalo School parents, coaches, and community members is throwing a flag on refereeing. They are in protest of penalties from a November game that ended in controversy and are pointing out what they say are major historical disparities.

“Something took place that day that left a sour taste and a lot of questions that needed to be answered,” reflected Dwayne Taplin, a long-time coach in Western New York.
Community members are calling for changes in officiating after controversy erupted following last month's Bennett High School game in the Syracuse area against the Christian Brothers

Body cam footage from the Onondaga Sheriff's Office showed a heated exchange where deputies escorted Bennett’s Assistant Athletic Director Michael House and Head Coach Steve McDuffie off the field. McDuffy claims the deputy assaulted him and has filed a complaint.
Now parents, coaches, and community members are protesting penalties against Bennett saying they believe there are racial disparities and racism in youth sports officiating.

“The penalty was being black while playing football in high school in New York State and you shouldn't be penalized, so we need to get rid of the good old boy system. all the old refs and put some diversity in there,” declared Daryl Loynes, parent of Bennett player.
A total of 16 penalties were called against Bennett in the first half.
"We the Parents" leader Sam Radford showed the unauthorized huddle by the coach of the opposing team, followed by Bennett’s coach demanding to do the same which led to another penalty.

“He made the claim that ‘I’m taking my players and I’m leaving the field’. That’s where his mind was at that particular time because at this point, we can't win on the field because of what the refs are doing,” described Radford.
Parents and community members also point out there were six, white refs on the field in that November game and they're now demanding diversity in referring.

“This is 2023 everywhere from the NFL on down has a diversity of referees. We're saying there needs to be a diversity of referees,” remarked Radford.
These community members are demanding a formal ruling on the penalty and want the state public high school athletic association and state education department to implement policies for fairness and equity.
They also want an investigation into the diversity of referees and demand accountability from Section VI.

“And I call for the attorney general of the state and I call for the federal government to take a look at what's going on in New York State. As far as sports are concerned, there are multiple civil rights violations that are occurring,” stated Sharon Belton-Cottman, president, Buffalo Board of Education & Ferry District board member.
I reached out to Section VI, but have not received a response.