CLARENCE, N.Y. (WKBW) — We're teaming up with FeedMore WNY for a Buffalo Strong Back to School Food Drive at two local Walmarts. While we ask you to donate, we also want to show you why.
Nakia Moxley of Buffalo cares for her two grandsons, Kymere and Kyshon who are 8 and 7 years old.
"Kymere likes tuna, so everyday 'Grandma can you make tuna, can you make tuna," said Moxley.
One day last year—they came home with a paper with information about a new backpack program from FeedMore WNY.
"Kyshon brought the paper home and kept saying grandma fill this out, fill this out they’re gonna give us food," said Moxley.
So she signed them up and one Friday they came home, they full of food. These meals go home with elementary school students on Fridays to make sure students don’t go without.
"We know a lot of times they get free or reduced lunch at school, this program supplements them over the weekend to make sure they always have the food and support they need," Anne McKenna, Marketing Director at FeedMore WNY.
FeedMore anticipates helping 46 schools in this year's 2021-2022 program. Kymere and Kyshon go to Reach Academy, which started using the backpack program in 2020, helping 125 families.
"Parents were very very excited, very glad, children need nutrition in their lives, they need to feel that wholesome that good their bellies full, brains are in check and that’s huge with education," said Lisa Rogers, Dean of Scholars at Reach Academy.
The Back to School Food Drive helps to fill bags for students and support FeedMore’s other programs.
They’re looking for things like canned protein, tuna, chicken, peanut butter, canned vegetables and fruits, healthy, whole grain options for local families to make things easier on them.
"The box came in pretty handy and I appreciate it and I’m glad they started the program and I can’t wait for it to start back up in October," said Moxley.
Drop donations off at the Walmart locations in Clarence on Transit or in Hamburg on Southwestern Boulevard from 7am to 7pm on September 16, or scan this code below to give a monetary donation.