Niagara Wheatfield High School is lighting up the community this holiday season. Literally.
One local school is giving back this holiday season w/Christmas trees. We're going to show you all morning on @WKBW
— Matthew Bové (@Matt_Bove) December 9, 2015
“It’s insane to walk down the hallway in the morning,” Niagara Wheatfield Junior Kennedy Heaton said. “It’s just so festive and cheery. Everybody gets into it.”
The halls are lined with 84 trees - all decorated and themed differently. But it isn't just to get the high school in the festive mood.
The trees will be auctioned off until Thursday, December 11th at 3p.m. and the money raised will go towards presents and food for local families in need.
“We really are together as a community,” Junior Alexa Sass said. "We all work hard and we all come together for a common goal that we really want to help people.”
It's all part of the schools Adopt a Family program and has grown every year.
Trees are auctioned off. $ raised goes towards presents/food for local families. Auction ends Thurs--open to public
— Matthew Bové (@Matt_Bove) December 9, 2015
Junior Sierra Fruck says everyone’s taking part. “People from the staff, students, people from different schools. Everyone’s getting involved. It’s not just people at this school.”
If you're interested in bidding on a tree it is open to the public during school hours.
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