

Good Neighbors Dental Clinic needs your vote

They treat over 2400 patients each year for free
and last updated

It looks like a typical busy dentist office, but there are few things that make Good Neighbors Heath Care clinic extra special. For starters the patients receive their care for free.

Lynn Ryan, who is the dental coordinator here says "we have patients from all over Western New York, Niagara County, Erie County, we've gotten people from Syracuse, from Pennsylvania, there's nothing like this."

Lynn Ryan arrived here a few years ago as a volunteer and ended up running the place. She says a lot of the people that seek out the clinic's services are working folks who are uninsured, underinsured and veterans. Good Neighbors receives no government funding and exists strictly through donations of money and equipment.

Lynn is especially proud of the Student Shadow Program here pointing out that twenty three of their student volunteers have been accepted at the Dental Schools of their choice. One of those students entered the clinic in a contest to receive a twenty-five thousand dollar grant. Voting continues through Friday.

You can get more information about the Dental clinic and other services including vision care and primary health care and register to vote at Good Neighbors website.