

Family searches for dog stolen from their yard


Ebony Jones Daniels left her puppy, Stone, chained up in the yard outside her home for a few minutes on February 9. That's when she says a man in a silver car drove up, snatched her dog and drove off.

Buffalo Police are investigating but haven't found the dog yet.

Stone is a five-month-old Tri Color American Bully and he was taken near Grider Street and Kensington Avenue in Buffalo.

"I just think it's horrible," Jones Daniels said. "It's been very emotional. I miss him. That's somebody I feed and take out to walk."

Stone is at least the second dog stolen from a Buffalo home in recent months. Buffalo Police arrested a man after finding a stolen dog without adequate food or shelter on his property.

Police say it's far less common to have a case of a stolen dog than it is for a dog to run off and go missing. In these cases, they usually rely on tips from neighbors who may have seen something strange.

"I've been doing my part and I will continue to search," Jones Daniels said. "I just hope one day I get lucky."

If you have information about Stone, you can contact Buffalo Police or the family at (716) 416-8565. The family has a reward for Stone's safe return.

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