
What's not happening that should be during this presidential transition

The lack of transition goes beyond a photograph inside the Oval Office
What's not happening that should be during this presidential transition

There has been no phone call between President-elect Joe Biden and President Donald Trump. There has been no concession from the commander-in-chief either.

America is currently enduring one of the most turbulent transitions in recent memory.

So what is not happening that should be during this non-traditional transition?


While Biden has held events with signs like "The Office of the President-elect" behind him, technically the office has not been activated by the General Services Administration.

It may sound like an obscure government agency, but the office is responsible for unlocking funds and access for the president-elect.

Without the GSA starting the transition, Biden can't telephone current members of the executive branch and receive confidential briefings from them. He doesn't have access to taxpayer funds to begin the background check process for some appointees.


The implications go beyond the lack of a photograph between Biden and Trump in the White House.

The last time the United States experienced a delayed transition was in 2000 because of the Florida Recount.

The 9/11 Commission, following the September 11th attacks, put some blame on the transition because it prevented President George W. Bush from putting some national security advisers in key positions in a timely manner.

Congressional Democrats have sent a letter asking GSA administrator Emily Murphy to brief Congress on why the transition has not begun.