BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — We’re just days away from the start of a new school year—which can bring back old feelings of stress and anxiety for parents as they try to get everything ready for their students.
"The first day of school has anxiety just because it’s the first day of school. Then you add in the component that kids have been away from school for a full year," said Cheri Alvarez, Chief Operating Officer, Compeer Buffalo.
So here are seven things to keep in mind over the next few weeks to help you out:
1. Keep it positive thoughts even when things get stressful
2. Prepare yourself by going to orientations or reading school materials
Tiffany Tarrant says it helped ease her and her son’s nerves before he heads to Clarence Middle School.
“I am preparing all I can because it is middle school," said Tarrant.
3. Find a coping mechanism, find out what makes you feel better—listening to music, taking a walk, watching TV
4. Make sure you take a pause from time to time
“I just have to take a breath, take it in and understand we’re he’s coming from. And I have a lot of help, I reached out for help on handling the situation,” said Tarrant.
5. There are plenty of resources out there Compeer leaders say they can help point you in the right direction
"Sometimes we lead them to their primary doctor as well as the many nonprofits and our community and mental health services in our community, buffalo is rich in resources it’s just being aware of them and knowing how to navigate them," said Alvarez.
6. You are not alone
"If you’re struggling and having a hard time, don’t be embarrassed about that, there are so many people who are willing to be there to support you and often you’ll be surprised to hear the struggles that other people have had," said Alvarez.
7. Your experiences can help others
"If you recognize there’s a changed behavior in someone else, reaching out to support them. Taking it one step at a time," said Alvarez.
There are also learning opportunities coming up for parents with EPIC.

For more information on Compeer, click here or call 716-883-3331.