KENMORE, NY (WKBW) — To help prevent the spread of COVID-19 Governor Cuomo has ordered all barber shops, hair salons, tattoo and piercing parlors to shut their doors as of Saturday at 8 p.m.
7 Eyewitness News senior reporter Eileen Buckley has reaction from two local hair shops.
For 54 years Richard Rosso has been cutting hair. He owns The Real Barbers on Elwmood Avenue in Kenmore. But never before was he ordered by the state to shut down.

“It scares me because. I have three other barbers and I’m more worried about them. How are we going to make a living? How are we pay our bills?” questions Rosso.
Cindy Montanino has been cutting hair for 42-years.
“What is this like for you to know that tomorrow night, shutting down, your live hood is on the line?” Buckley asked.
“It’s scary because I’m the sole supporter of eight people, still have a mortgage, still have food to buy, still have bills to pay,” Montanino responded.

The barber shop had a steady stream of clients Friday, as many are trying to get a hair cut in before it closes.
“They're calling coming in to get their hair cut, so we need that rush of business because people haven't been coming most of the week,” Rosso explained.
Further up Elmwood Avenue, at Ciao Bella Hair Studio, owner Christina Campanella-Falzone is also getting ready to shut down.

Campanella-Falzone said she’s had some clients with health conditions canceled, but others are ready to come in for a cut, color and style.
“We have had an increase in phone calls of people who, after tomorrow's date, are canceling just to give us the heads up, but I have had clients who do call and say that they don't want to let their true roots show,” replied Campanella-Falzone.
Campanella-Falzone has been cutting and styling hair for 13-years and she's also worried about finances.

“Our biggest concern, for me, would be the renters that work here, my family, of course, of what I'm bringing home, but to our loyal clients. We want to do what's best for everybody involved and maintain a healthy clean environment,” remarked Campanella-Falzone.

Both the salon and barber shop continue taking extra care in keeping the shops sanitized, looking out for their customers and hoping it will be business as usual again soon.