It's an annual tradition at the Salvation Army. Serving up a hot turkey dinner with all of the trimmings for more than two hundred people.
Major Thomas Applin says the special guests may share the same Turkey meal, but they have different needs, adding "this isn't just people who don't have what they need, it can be people who don't want to be alone on the holiday."
Part of the tradition here is the number of volunteers who chip in. This year there are more than fifty who are dishing, serving and cleaning up. Volunteering is a twelve year tradition for Mayor Byron Brown who was in charge of dishing up the sliced turkey this year. He says he's not really in charge offering "the supervise me well."
The tradition kicks off the holiday season for the Salvation Army and is a reminder for the rest of us to turn our attention to those in need of food, friendship or just a smile. The Major adds "for those who are receiving, this is a joyful place. That's where the smiles come from."