

Are visitors worried about saftey at Canalside?

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Monday morning 7 Eyewitness News anchors Ed Drantch and Katie Morse asked ourFacebook friends during a live videoif they were concerned about their safety at Canalside.

Hundreds of people commented on the video. Some said this could happen anywhere.

We went to the waterfront to see what people had to say. Almost everyone we talked with said they weren't worried.

"I've seen a lot of security around," Tom Szarpa said. "You still have to keep an eye on things, still watch your kids, make sure you don't let go of their hands or that but I feel a lot safer now that I see what they're doing down here."

"There's a very large security presence here," Anthony Siracuse said. "You see them everywhere in their white shirts. They do a good job of keeping things under control."

This comes just two days after 17-year-old Jequan Wilson was arrested and charged with criminal possession of a weapon and unlawful possession of marijuana after a fight at Canalside's Carnival.

We reached out to Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation, who operate Canalisde to get a response.

In a statement to 7ABC, ECHDC said  "Safety and security are our number one priority at Canalside. We believe this was an isolated incident but we have increased security as a precaution."