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McDonald's hiring 170 youth and hundreds of seniors this summer

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McDonald’s is looking to hire youth in Western New York this summer.

Local franchisees are not only looking to start them out at minimum wage, but also help contribute $2,500 each year to college tuition.

The only requirements are to work at least 15 hours each week for 90 days minimum and prove you are enrolled at an institution.

And everyone in the community is stepping up to fill the 170 jobs McDonald’s hopes to give to youth in our area this summer.

The Belle Center and the Delavan Grider Community Center are both working to pass along employee referrals.

“We are right in the middle of the areas in which we service, so we constantly have people coming in looking for employment,” said Candace Moppins, the executive director of the Delvan Grider Community Center.

McDonald’s committed to employing 10,000 youth across the state this summer, but it also made a partnership with AARP to work and employ 15,000 seniors.

“We have lots of seniors that work for us now,” said Harry Schatmeyer, a franchise owner/operator. “It’s mostly because of what McDonald’s is able to do , which a lot of other employers aren’t able to do, is provide a lot of flexibility.

Schatmeyer says many work the breakfast shift only and get to talk with some of their friends who come in for breakfast “it’s almost like a social club.”

“This is a huge investment in both the youth and in the seniors at McDonald’s. We see that as the two primary areas of employment for the future.”

Information on how to apply can be found here.