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Looking to start your career? Looking to move up? Local start-ups are hiring.

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Hiring 716 is WKBW's new initiative committed to highlighting job opportunities, challenges and success stories in Western New York. Learn more at Hiring716.com

More than 50 jobs are available at 43North start-up competition's portfolio companies. The positions range from entry level to executive roles, with the salaries ranging from $30,000 to $100,000 a year.

Bill Maggio, 43North's past board chair, shared the companies job growth news at Wednesday evening's networking event.

"Today I'm here to announce that we've crossed over the 500 threshold," he said. "We've achieved 525 jobs, I think that's a great accomplishment and I'd love to hear a round of applause for that."

The company's start-ups have raised over $250 million in venture capital in the past five years. Their presence in the Western New York region has attracted people like Kat Carter. Carter is now the Director of Operations at Squire, one of 43North's portfolio companies, she spent the past two decades working out west.

"There wasn't a huge tech community five, six years ago in Buffalo, but with 43North coming on and the opportunities that were opening up there, I decided it was time to come all the way back to Buffalo," Carter said.

Want to become a part of the community? Click here to apply to the open positions.