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Have you ever dreamed of becoming an FBI agent? The FBI is recruiting

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If you're looking for an internship out of college or a dramatic career change, the FBI might be your next landing spot. The FBI is currently in the process of recruiting a variety of positions but none more than special agents.

To be eligible you must have a bachelor's degree and two years professional work experience or a masters degree and one year of professional work experience and it's not necessary to have a criminal justice background. Pay ranges anywhere from $64,000 per year to more than $100,000 after several years of serving as a special agent and you must be willing to relocate.

“We like to hire form all different backgrounds. It could be somebody that has an engineering background, a degree in pharmacy, law enforcement, military," Special Agent and Recruiter at FBI Buffalo, Darin Schultz, said. “Individuals that have good critical thinking skills that can communicate, we’re going to train you to be an FBI agent.”

FBI Special Agent in Charge at the Buffalo Field Office, Gary Loeffert, says its important to understand the demands that surround a career in the FBI.

“The job, especially for a special agent, can become intoxicating. Where you think about it all the time and that’s one of the hardest things to drive home," Loeffert said. “We love our families, but we also love this job, we love what we do, we love the mission.”

You must pass:

  • Physical fitness testing
  • Several rounds of interviews
  • A written, scenario-based exam
  • Extensive background checks
  • A drug test

Factory that will disqualify candidates include:

  • Non-U.S. citizenship
  • Conviction of a felony (Special Agent candidates only: conviction of a domestic violence misdemeanor or more serious offense)
  • Violation of the FBI Employment Drug Policy (please see below for additional details)
  • Default on a student loan insured by the U.S. Government
  • Failure of an FBI-administered urinalysis drug test
  • Failure to register with the Selective Service System (for males only, exceptions apply – please click here to find out more)
  • Knowingly or willfully engaged in acts or activities designed to overthrow the U.S. government by force
  • Failure to pay court ordered child support
  • Failure to file federal, state, or local income tax returns

The FBI is also looking to hire intelligence analysts, forensic accountants, surveillance team members, auto technicians, human resources team members, auditors among other jobs. For more information click here.