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43North newcomers mean new job opportunities

43North newcomers mean new opportunities
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Josh Aviv’s busy settling into his new space at 43North.

The Syracuse University grad is brand new to Buffalo. He's also the founder of SparkCharge -- one of seven newcomers to the building on Ellicott Street.

“These are companies who have already been raising capital, already been hiring, already been finding their customers, their markets their penetration,” said 43 North President, Alex Gress.

SparkCharge makes portable charges for electric vehicles that can be delivered on demand.

It was the grand prize winner of 43North's annual competition. Aviv won one million dollars, attached with a commitment to stay in Buffalo for at least a year. So far, SparkCharge has four employees with openings for six more. And, Aviv said he'll fill roughly 90 more positions in the next year if all goes according to plan.

A bulk of those will be manufacturing jobs.

“We already started talking to Northland Workforce Training center. And, from there, we plan on building that out and building up our manufacturing center to get our product out there,” he said.

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