AM Buffalo


Special robes for young children

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Allison Schickel, CEO and founder says she started her company almost ten years ago with one product. It was their signature product; it was called the recovery robe. It was designed originally for breast cancer patients but over the years it has evolved into other markets like open heart surgery or organ transplants. She says she was giving a talk at U.T. Austin and a woman came up to her afterwards and told her she liked what she was doing with the breast cancer community and asked if she ever thought of doing something for kids. Allison says she spent a good year talking to doctors, social workers and child life specialists about what they would want in something to just help kids while they are in the hospital. She says every aspect of this product was really thought about; the material is wonderful and is anti-microbial. The robe has eight sets of snaps each pocket has snaps on the back that’s so you can place the pocket wherever it will be convenient to hold a monitor, to hold a drain, to hold a colostomy bag and it has snaps from the wrist all the way up to the collar bone on either side and that’s for easy access for IV’s, blood pressure cuffs, to get to their ports. The robe comes with two interchangeable superhero capes, two little doctor hats and the superhero mask.

Allison says she was contacted by a lady in Austin, Texas who said I don’t know if you heard about this little girl. Her name is Elliott and she was diagnosed in January 2020 with a Wilm’s tumor. Allison says she believes it starts on your kidney but by the time she met her it progressed to stage 4 lung cancer. She met Elliott and her mom at a park, and she was the first recipient of the superhero robe. She put it on and started running around the park and the cape was flying. Allison says it was a moment where she thought, she was such a precious soul that I am going to name it after her. She is happy to say as of today Elliott is cancer free.

Allison says they have started the donation program. You can go on and you can donate $5, $10, $100; it doesn’t matter and it all goes toward a robe for one of these kids. She says she is happy to say that out of 400 family’s not one of them has had to buy one of these robes.

If you are into this want to help out, you can also raise money and let them know when you make the donation that you would like it to go to a local hospital.

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