AM Buffalo


Pet Talk Tuesday – Pet dental health

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Dr. Stephanie Wolf says it’s never to young to start worrying about your pets dental health. By the time they are three years of age most dogs and cats already have some form of dental disease. Usually it is mild; some teeth staining, maybe some mild tarter, some mild gingivitis. She says to keep in mind that most times it is mild, however, if you start as a puppy, getting that home care under control, you might be able to put off that time when professional cleanings or the problems begin.

Make sure your veterinarian always does a full oral exam and make sure you understand exactly how to handle all that home care and how to prevent problems with diet including brushing of teeth, using rinses, etc. and any questions you may have.

Dr. Wolf says February is pet dental month. It’s a great time to start the year off right. Make that appointment with your veterinarian. Start off with an exam. It may lead to something more involved all the way to a referral to a specialist or it may simply be a discussion of how to prevent problems down the road.

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