SportsSuper 7


Super 7: MHS WR Addi Copeland continues to pave the way

Super 7 0924 Addi Copeland
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BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Setting precedents and leading by example is nothing new for Maritime-Health Sciences superstar Addi Copeland.

"He was one of the guys who broke the ribbon on our football program," MHS head coach Ty Parker said. "He was one of the founders of the team."

"Man, we've practiced in the mud, the dirt, the snow, everything," Copeland said. "I like it when the odds are stacked against us though, because it makes us stronger as a team and as a brotherhood."

The Falcons' first season coincided with Copeland's freshman year. Three years later, the Pittsburgh commit is MHS's first Division I-bound player.

Whether it's at the varsity level or the college level, Copeland has paved the way. But for him, it's about more than just the MHS Falcons or the Pitt Panthers.

"I hear a lot of hood legend stories," Copeland said. "A lot of wasted talent because we don't get a lot of recognition around here that a lot of other places do... I've definitely had a chip on my shoulder since about eighth grade."

Copeland already has two Section VI titles under his belt. He'll look to add a third before heading south for the Steel City this fall.