BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — A local coach took it upon himself to bring America's pastime to economically disadvantaged kids in Buffalo. With the First Run Foundation, Blake Urquhart ran four separate sessions on Saturday.
"Some of these great kids that just are not afforded the same opportunity and privilege," Urquhart said. "Baseball can be an expensive game. The bat's 300 bucks, the glove's 200 bucks, the cleats, the pants, it adds up."
Campers were able to lace up, put on, and pick out gear provided by the camp and the Foundation. Players with varying levels of experience were welcome, from travel team experience to the first time picking up a bat.
"I've been to my little brother's tee ball, and I've hit the ball a couple times," nine-year-old Josiah Kelley said. "But I didn't really play. I just hit the ball."
Urquhart plans to fan out the First Run Foundation to his home state of Ohio and his next stop in Virginia, as well. He says he sees himself in each of his campers.
"If I can just change the life of one kid, then I've done my job," Urquhart said. "Because I was that one kid and I've gone on to do so many things just because somebody believed in me."