It’s been months since former Time Warner customers were notified of the switch to Spectrum and since then, 7 Eyewitness News has received hundreds of questions and comments about changes under the new company.
The most common comment viewers posted to our Facebook page? Concerns about changes to the pricing structure. While some viewers expressed they saw a decrease in their monthly bill, hundreds responded to say their bills increased. In response Spectrum tells 7 Eyewitness News: “We haven’t made any changes to prices since launching Spectrum. If existing TWC customers are seeing changes it’s because their promotional pricing expired and reverted to the regular price. “
The next big question 7 Eyewitness News viewers posed? Did the quality or the internet speeds change? Spectrum tells 7 Eyewitness News: “With the launch of Spectrum, faster internet speeds are now available in WNY. Spectrum’s starting internet speed of 60 Mbps is faster than the fastest offering from TWC in Buffalo. . . We also offer a 100 Mbps service and a low-cost broadband option for eligible families and seniors.”
Lastly, some current customers expressed some of the channels they once received as a TWC custom are no longer available with Spectrum. Spectrum tells us: “There are some differences between Spectrum and TWC channel lineups; however, as mentioned above, we haven’t made any changes to current TWC customers’ programming, speeds and features.”