

WNY Trump supporters, lawmakers react to Presidential address

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As President Trump gave his first Presidential Address to Congress, we asked a longtime Republican Political Advisor here in Western New York, with ties to the current administration to watch the address and give us his take on what he saw.
Russ Gugino says he sees a different tone in President Trump's speech and presentation. He says the President was using language that reached across party lines, while sticking to the messages that rose him to power.
"What I like is he is saying he's going to keep the promises made to the American People," Gugino said. "He's going to take Obamacare and take it down, and put something up that is much more effective for the people, and much less costly to the people. He promised to make America safe again. He's talking about restricting immigration of people who are here legally, but building a door for people to come in and come in safely."
Gugino went on to say, "He's talking about building up our military, and giving people in the military the resources they need to combat ISIS and the threats to America."
Western New York Democratic Leaders who were at the address sent the following statements.

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand sent the following statement:

“President Trump made it clear in his speech tonight that many of his top priorities are still severely out of touch with our values in New York. I wanted to hear him outline a real plan to keep good-paying jobs in New York, but instead we heard more of the same talk about lowering taxes for rich corporations, building an expensive border wall, and gutting the Affordable Care Act that millions of Americans now rely on. These policies will not raise wages or create good-paying jobs for workers in New York. 


“President Trump also acknowledged our urgent need for paid leave, and I encourage him to support my bill, the FAMILY Act, which would create a national paid leave plan for every American who works.”

Congressman Chris Collins sent the following statement:

“Americans across the country tonight witnessed a leader committed to restoring American greatness,” said Congressman Chris Collins. “This past November, voters elected a change agent. In his first 40 days in office, President Trump is already delivering the results Americans, especially those in my district of Western New York, have demanded. Whether it’s fighting to return American jobs stolen by countries like Mexico and China, or securing our porous borders, President Trump has shown the world he is a president of action.


“If we are going to restore the hope of the American Dream for our children and grandchildren, tough choices need to be made. Unlike our last president, President Trump acknowledged that reality, and outlined a clear vision for us to overcome the challenges we will face. We are going to fight for the American worker, respect the rule of law, and harness the endless potential all Americans possess.


“I look forward to President Trump implementing the change Western New Yorkers voted for, and will continue to fight here in Congress for policies that improve the lives of my constituents.”