

Reactions to President Trump's transgender policies

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President Donald Trump's administration withdrew guidance for public schools on transgender bathroom use.

After months of public input, the Buffalo School Board approved gender identity guidelines that allow students to choose bathrooms and locker rooms that coordinate with a student's gender identity.

Now, the Buffalo School District released a statement saying it embraces all students, and continues to be committed to a safe learning environment for everyone. They added that the federal reversal will have no impact on Buffalo.

Local transgender advocacy group Spectrum Transgender Support Group of Western New York says the repeal promotes bigotry and hate.

"President Trump, by repealing this landmark decision has in effect, said we're not worthy of human rights. All we want is for the chance for the next generation of transgender kids to be able to have some of the liberties that have been denied of the transgender community from the start," said Tricia Quinn, co-chair of Spectrum.

Quinn is encouraging members of the community to contact their state representatives to ask for the protection of rights for transgender people in New York.

A rally is planned for Sunday in Niagara Square at 2 p.m.

New York State Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia released a statement saying the New York Education Department will do everything it can to create a welcoming, learning environment for transgender students.

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman issued the following statement:

“President Trump's decision to rescind anti-discrimination protections for transgender students is yet another cruel move by an administration committed to divisive policies that roll back the clock on civil rights.

Transgender individuals deserve to live in dignity, without fear of bullying or discrimination.

I will do whatever it takes to protect transgender and all LGBTQ New Yorkers, no matter what happens in Washington. That's why my office will ensure that Title IX and New York’s own civil rights protections are enforced -- because policies that ensure equality also promote safe and inclusive schools, workplaces, and communities, benefiting everyone.”