

WNY supports 'The Interview'

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Countless Western New Yorker's pre-purchased tickets for 'The Interview' which debuted across the country on Christmas Day and at Flix Stadium 10 on Transit Road in Lancaster Friday.

"I'm still laughing you know what? It's hilarious," said Michael Calleri a local movie critic.

But one person didn't find any of this amusing North Korean dictator Kim John Un.

Why? Because the comedy is based on a fake plot to assassinate Un.

"I'm not going to let any lunatic on the other side of the world tell me what I cannot do or cannot see in our country," said Jim Kozlowski who lives in Alden.

Sony Pictures originally planned the release of the film on Christmas day in 2,000 theaters nationwide.

But before that could happen Sony's computer systems were hacked by North Korean cyber terrorists and U.S. movie theaters were warned of 911 style attacks leading Sony to cancel the release of the film.

"I don't know why we gave him a stage at all. We just should of ignored him and let the movie go," said Kevin Thomson.

The leader of the North almost got his way but less than one week ago Sony announced it would release the movie after all but on a much smaller scale, 300 independent theatres instead of the 2,000 originally planned for Christmas day.

"I happen to work internationally and I'm in South Korea a lot and anyone in South Korea would be laughing at us that we even thought of taking this guy seriously," said Thomson.

Despite the small-scale movie release 'The Interview' reportedly raked in $1 million when it premiered Thursday.