

Where's my ballot? Voters left in absentee limbo


Where's my absentee ballot? That's what Amherst voters wanted to know when contacting 7 Eyewitness News.

It turns out, absentee ballots for the town were put on hold due to a pending court case surrounding the Town Clerk position. 

On Thursday, the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Appellate Division determined, "The Erie County Democratic Party violated Election Law, because the outgoing Democratic Party Executive Committee, rather than the "last elected" incoming Executive Committee, issued the certificate of nomination." ((To read the full court decision, click here))

Ok, so what does that mean specifically to the people of Amherst?  First, it means the Democratic candidate for that position, Francine Spoth, is off the ballot for November.

Also, Representatives from the Erie County Board of Elections tell 7 Eyewitness News that absentee ballots should be mailed on Friday.

The previous Amherst Town Clerk, Marjory Jaeger, resigned from her position in September, to take a position with the University at Buffalo.

Absentee ballots must be postmarked by November 5.







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