

What should replace fake photo of Buffalo?

Posted at 12:37 PM, Jan 18, 2016
and last updated 2016-01-18 19:55:36-05

By now you've heard the news. That picture of a snowy street in Buffalo with snow-covered cars isn't of Buffalo at all - it's of Manhattan.

But that begs the question: What should replace it?

There are a number of ways to share: use #Sendto7 on Twitter, post them on our Facebook wall, share them on our website at wkbw.com/share, or if you're using our app, go to Send to 7 and send us your photo there.

7 Eyewitness News is talking to Alex Miller on Monday, the seventh grade teacher in the Buffalo Public School District who discovered the original photo wasn't of Buffalo. He did extensive research and connected it to a photo taken by Nicholas Belton and available on GettyImages:

Miller says he's had a lot of people congratulating him for his discovery and thanking him. They're all too happy to remove the imposter from their wall.

Wegmans was one of the places selling the photo. The grocery chain pulled it from their shelves after learning it isn't of Buffalo and is offering a refund to anyone who bought it and wants their money back.

We want you to send us your pictures, ones that you say: "This represents snow in the Queen City." The caption on the original photo said, "Buffalo, New York - Just another day in paradise" so keep that in mind when you're picking the perfect picture.

There are a number of ways to share: use #Sendto7 on Twitter, post them on our Facebook wall, share them on our website at wkbw.com/share, or if you're using our app, go to Send to 7 and send us your photo there.

In the meantime, here are several light-hearted ideas for how Buffalo can next be represented in the next popular poster:





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