

Gosy Patients: "We are not addicts"

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Drug addicts, dependents ... pain patients of Dr. Eugene Gosy say they are sick of these labels and they're taking the floor at a town hall meeting focused on combating Erie County's opioid epidemic.

"It seems like they talk down to us like we're drug addicts," said Sandy Vasey. "We are not. They don't understand the level of pain we're in."

"We deserve our medical care. We have right also," said Donna Breen, a Gosy patient.

These patients claim they are out of luck and out of time when it comes to treating their chronic and debilitating pain.

"I don't have many choices other than to look into street drugs," said Ann Montgomery, who is also a Gosy patient. "I think they should try living in my shoes for one day. I am not addicted. I require this medication to live."

Many patients say no one can fill their prescriptions that they need.

Avi Israel, who lost his son to addiction four years ago believes Gosy closed his office to make a statement.

"None of the Federal, State or County agencies have closed Gosy's office. Gosy closed his office."

Things got heated at the end of the meeting when Gosy patients demanded answers. The meeting ended abruptly.