The voter hotline set up by the New York Attorney General's Office saw a spike in complaints during Tuesday's primary.
The office says it received 562 phone calls and 140 emails from voters across the state Tuesday between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 3:50 p.m.. For comparison, during the 2012 general election, the office only received about 150 complaints total. This is the largest volume of complaints the hotline has taken since Attorney General Eric Schneiderman took office in 2011.
According to the Attorney General's office, the most common complaint was from people who tried to vote but were told they were not registered. The second most common complaint was from people that were registered, but have been informed that they are not registered with a particular political party.
Some other common complaints included a lack of privacy at polling places, accessibility issues, unclear instructions, and ballots stating that votes most be marked in black ink but sites only had blue ink pens available.
The election day hotline is run by the Attorney General's Office. It's meant to ensure access to all voters during elections.