A special moment was caught on camera when a man who suffered a massive heart attack was able to reclaim his dogs, for free, before they were adopted.
The man, whose name was not released, had been hospitalized weeks before after suffering a heart attack. His dogs were given to First State Animal Center for safekeeping but because so much time had gone by, his dogs, Bailey and Blaze were put up for adoption.
The man came to the PetSmart Adoption Center in Dover, Delaware to check on “his babies” because he was unable to come up with the money for the adoption fee.
Staff and volunteers who had heard of his situation were waiting. They had reduced the fee and collected money to cover it, as well as collecting food donations and gift cards for pet supplies.
When the man arrived, they told him his dogs were coming home for Christmas. Watch his reaction:
Heres the video to the story!
Posted by Lindsay Marie on Thursday, December 17, 2015
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