The summer driving season marks a period where teen crash deaths skyrocket in the U.S.
The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety says more than 5,000 people have been killed in crashes involving teen drivers during the “100 Deadliest Days” since 2011. The period started on Memorial Day.
AAA says crashes involving teen drivers increase significantly during the summer months because teens drive more during this time of year.
Research from the foundation found 60 percent of those teen crashes involve distraction. The top three distractions are:
- Talking or attending to other passengers in the vehicle: 15 percent of crashes
- Talking, texting or operating a cell phone: 12 percent of crashes
- Attending to or looking at something inside the vehicle: 11 percent of crashes
AAA is encouraging parents to educate their teens about the dangers of distracted driving and monitor their actions behind the wheel.