

UB Memorial service for anatomical gift donors

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Today the University at Buffalo – School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences held an Anatomical Gift Program Memorial Service.

It’s a service to remember nearly 200 people whom donated their remains to U.B. Medical School. This year about 600 loved ones traveled from as far as Georgia to be at this service. U.B. uses the human remains to give students hands on training and to advance medical research.

“I don’t think there is anything like this in the country,” Dr. John Tomaszeski with U.B. said.

Two first year medical students even spoke to the crowd about their feelings and how emotional it was for them to work on the remains, while in lab. After the ceremony many family members at this service told 7EWN that they are thinking about leaving a legacy as well.

“I think I want to be a donor now. Knowing that what I’ve seen and what my dad gone through and my mom wants to do the same thing to,” relative of a donor, Becky Vandorn said.

“It is something to think about so now I’m thinking about it too. I really am,” relative of two donors, Pat Harmon said.

After the ceremony butterflies were released in honor of the donors.