

U.B. defends decision to open Wednesday despite severe weather


The winter weather we experienced on Wednesday made it almost impossible for U.B. students like Kayla Laurey to make it to class.

That's why she questions why classes weren't canceled for a second straight day. “The snow is up to my knees,” she explained. “I mean, I'm short but still it's crazy.”

“I'm taking the indoor route. We have two routes at Buffalo. So, I'm definitely not taking the outside route because it's just packed with snow everywhere,” said U.B. Junior, Shadman Sakib.

“It's like coming at you like knives. It's sharp. I'm wearing a hoodie and a long shirt, and this snow coat and it's still not enough,” added Ashley Ben.

A U.B. spokesman said the snow was expected to lessen throughout the morning. Maintenance staff also cleared parking lots and roadways overnight. Tuesday, the State Office of Employee Relations had mandated faculty stay home and today, that wasn't the case. Those are some of the reasons why the college decided to remain open. 

Still, the decision isn't sitting well with some students.

“If anything, school should've been closed today, not yesterday. Yesterday was bad, but this is horrible,” said Sakib.
“It's pretty unfair to the students. It's pretty cold,” said Randy Groesbeck.