Neighbors near Tonawanda Coke are worried about their health. The manufacturer on River Road was given permission from the Department of Environmental Conservation to start cleaning up a Superfund site on their property.
Concerned neighbors are worried how the old coal tar and hazardous waste will be removed.
“Residents of Tonawanda and the public need to be ensured that NYSDEC is not allowing Tonawanda Coke to convert a soil pollution problem into a dangerous air pollution problem,” said Brian Borncamp with the Clean Air Coalition.
According to the DEC, the material would be recycled in Tonawanda Coke's coking operation. The DEC says, they would closely monitor the situation, saying the recycling cannot cause additional emissions.
The Clean Air Coalition drafted a letter asking the DEC to set up an informational meeting for neighbors to ask questions.
The DEC released this statement:
DEC is continuing to hold Tonawanda Coke accountable for contamination they have caused from their plant operations. The company is under two Superfund orders to investigate and remediate contamination at its property on River Road in Tonawanda. DEC is reviewing the CAC letter to ensure they understand the Interim Remedial Measure, which includes stringent monitoring requirements and strong oversight from DEC, and address their concerns.