
Clarence janitor named finalist in 'Janitor of the Year Contest'


Harris Hill Elementary School janitor, Mark Zaidel, received a big surprise on Monday morning. He has been named a top 10 finalist in the National Janitor of the Year Contest.

The nationwide contest is sponsored by Cintras Corporation and recognizes the best school janitors. 

The faculty, PTA and students began looking for ways to give thanks to Mr. Zaidel for his dedication and hard work for the past 13 years, so they nominated him for this contest. 
Students, teachers, staff and Zaidel's family filled the gym to recognize Zaidel. 

"He is a role model exemplar for our students, he shows them respect he talks with them he interacts with them," Peg Aldrich, principal, said.

Zaidel is competing for $10,000 worth of prizes.

"I want to thank everybody faculty staff students you guys make my job a lot easier I want to thank everybody," Zaidel said.

 To vote for Mr. Zaidel, click here. Voting is open from March 19 - April 20.

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