

The fight to save jobs at Derby New Era Plant


Could the New Era Derby Plant--with more than 200 jobs--be saved before it's expected to close in March? Local lawmakers and community members hope that's the case.

On Monday evening in front of New Era Headquarters in Downtown Buffalo, Erie County Executive Mark Polancarz, Assemblyman Sean Ryan and community leaders held a rally asking the company to reconsider their decision to close the Derby Plant.

County Executive Polancarz said that both he and Assemblyman Ryan have spoken with executives at the company to try and save the plant, but nothing has worked. 

Speakers throughout the rally said employees are willing to do whatever it takes to keep their career here in WNY. Polancarz added that nothing is off the table when it comes to trying to save the more than 200 jobs.

Come March 29th, 216 Derby employees will be jobless once the plant closes, according to the WARN Notice filed December 5th.  Layoffs will begin on March 15th, the Notice furthers.

A New Era spokesperson told 7 Eyewitness News that more than 25 local companies have approached New Era after hearing of the closing to offer help to the Derby workers.  The State Labor Department is set to visit the Derby employees and offer job-interviewing skills and resume writing this month.

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