For thousands, Friday night is night number three in the dark and by far the coldest.
That's what worries Donna Droney. She and 30 of her neighbors in West Seneca are in the dark thanks to Wednesday's wind.
“It's a long time to be without power. Some of these houses are down to like 40 degrees in the house,” said Droney.
Droney’s house is in the dark. Her neighbors across the street are not. The small pocket of an outage effects only a few blocks in West Seneca.
Saturday morning wind chills are expected to be below zero. Droney says she plans on staying in her home,
“I could go stay with my daughter for a while. It's just that I'm afraid to leave the house. I don't know if I should leave the water running tonight. I don't know how cold it gets before my pipes might break,” added Droney.
Right now, NYSEG expects to have the power back for Droney and 90% of their customers, by 11 Saturday night.