Meet Michelle Benvie. She's a preschool teacher, a Bills super fan and lives in Akron, Ohio.
She was once a Browns fan, but in the early '90s made the switch after falling for a certain Hall of Fame quarterback.
"I saw Jim Kelly...he's easy on the eyes and the rest is downhill," she said.
Every summer, Michelle and her mom, Christine, drive four hours to spend the week at Bills training camp.
The very first time they came to see the Bills, Christine and Michelle only had tickets. After a tiring drive, they finally found a hotel. One that happened to also house the Bills players.
Training camp trips quickly turned to trips to Orchard Park, every Sunday as season ticket holders.
It's been 25 years since she saw Jim Kelly on TV, but Michelle still has the same hopes.
"Playoffs baby and hopefully a Super Bowl win."
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