A 5-month-old Siberian Husky was ducking and dodging under cars Friday morning on I-190.
"One or two o'clock in the morning, my wife came home from work. She opened up the door, he ran outside following her," said Ivan Rankin, the owner of the husky named Noah.
Noah is a very handsome blued-eyed pup full of energy. He bolted out the door Friday morning before Rankins wife could catch him. "When he gets outside and that he likes to run around and play but this time he got too far," said Rankin.
Noah's daring endeavors Friday morning placed him on I-190 northbound near Niagara Street.
"Anything trapped on a highway dodging cars, running along the median is scary," said Dr. Daniel Carrig, who's a veterinarian at McClelland Small Animal Hospital.
Carrig said he was in shock when he heard about Noah's dangerous adventure. The good thing for Noah is that saving grace was on his side. He was rescued this morning by State Trooper Randy Schenefiel.
"I described the dog and he said that he had him," said Rankin. "It was a huge weight lifted off our shoulders, just because he is a puppy. He's a part of our family and we value him. We love him."
Noah is now back at home without a battle wound to tell the tale.