

NYS lawmakers running up against another budget deadline as they work to pass a now overdue 2023 budget

Solving ethical problems in Albany

ALBANY, N.Y. (WKBW) — New York State lawmakers are scrambling to pass the now days-overdue 2023 budget.

State senate and assembly members worked over the weekend on several sticking points that prevented them from passing the budget before the Friday deadline but they face a 4:00 p.m. deadline to get it passed Monday.

According to republican Assemblyman Angelo Morinello, who represents Niagara Falls, there are internal issues with the budget, along with disagreements over childcare funding and a disagreement between upstate and downstate lawmakers over the deal for a new Bills stadium.

"I anticipated we'd have a conference this evening with some explanation of a budget bill, but nothing has come forth. The only thing that has come forth is a bill authorizing payment of debt and we discussed that on Friday," Morinello said Sunday. "This should've been 24/7 because the people who are suffering are the citizens of NYS, the taxpayers."

If it's not passed in time, it could delay paychecks for state employees.