

Sleeping driver said to be cause of overnight crash

Police in Niagara, Buffalo looking into crashes

Police in the Town of Niagara and City of Buffalo are investigating two different overnight crashes.  

In the Town of Niagara, police say a sleeping driver is to blame for the crash on Porter Road.

That crash was reported just after 2:00 a.m. Monday.  Police tell us the driver was not hurt.  No charges have been filed.

About an hour earlier, in Buffalo, one person was taken to the hospital after a crash on Louisiana Street.  This is right near the Perry Housing complex.

The crash was reported about 1:00 a.m. Monday.

It appears the driver of a black pick up truck crashed in to the back of a red car.  The back of the car was smashed in.  The black truck came to a rest feet away.

Buffalo police have not said what caused this crash.

We've reached out to police for information.  A spokesman has not returned our request for details.

No word on the victim's condition.