When heading to Buffalo, you can't miss the silos across the Queen City skyline.
“The grain elevators really tell the story of Buffalo starting with the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825,” Explore Buffalo Executive Director Brad Hahn said.
This part of the city's rich history are now being showcased at a festival this weekend called "Silo City Tapped."
“A place like this is so unique to use it and give the backdrop that it does, so unique,” Untapped Unlimited Executive Director Luke Mumbach said.
Along with local food trucks, craft beer and many local vendors, they will also hold free tours of the grain elevators.
“We have an event where people are coming down for music and beer but they will get an appreciation for their history, architecture and design because no other city has something like this,” Hahn said.
The festival will be held in the heart of the historic silos and there will be local music on a stage, playing everything from big band to country. Mumbach said there is a little something for everyone.
He says combining the new talent, food and business with the old and historic adds to the positive changes across the city. “Buffalo resurgence is coming about and every little thing people do adds to that and helps it to come to fruition faster."
The festival takes place this Saturday from 4-11p.m.
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