

Schumer pushes for emergency Zika funding

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Following two cases of the Zika virus in Western New York, one in Niagara County, and another in Erie County, Senator Charles Schumer is urging congress to pass emergency funding to battle the virus.

The senator says these funds will greatly bolster Western New York's efforts to fight Zika before it spreads.

At Women and Children's Hospital Monday, Schumer called for $1.9 billion to fight the virus and treat those who have been infected.

Zika virus is suspected to cause mirco-encephalitis in babies, and Schumer says that Congress most approve this emergency funding to protect pregnant mothers and their children before it is too late.

"With so many women and families across Western New York looking for action, it is critical that members of Congress work together to green-light this $1.9 billion in emergency funding. We need to get this done as soon as possible so that we can help stem the spread of Zika," said Schumer. "Simply put, anyone repellent to this emergency funding plan isn't serious about beating Zika. When it comes to fighting this epidemic, a stitch in time will save nine – so I will do everything in my power to make sure emergency funding is delivered."