

Sabres team up with Unyts for blood drive

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The Buffalo Sabres are teaming up with Unyts to encourage people to donate blood.

A blood drive was held at First Niagara Center, where Sabres alumni were on hand to sign autographs for approximately 200 donors. Fifty pairs of tickets were also raffled off.

The partnership is part of a greater push to encourage blood donors aged 17 and older in the Buffalo area.

“We supply all the blood for the local hospitals here. So it’s so important that the community comes out and donates and helps us supply with the blood that they need,” said Amanda Farrell, Unyts Director of blood donor recruitment.

The Sabres promotion continues on Tuesday, February 9th at Unyts Neighborhood Blood Donation Centers.  Donors will get an autographed mini stick and a coupon to the Sabres store.

Unyts is Western New York’s only organ, eye, tissue and community blood donation center.